Myrlande Metellus
NJCIS Secretary
Brief info
Mrylande Metellus was born and raised on a beautiful island called Carrefour Port Au Prince Haiti. She grew up seeing her parents in the public eye. Her father was a landlord, and his tenant stopped by to see him once a month or as needed for business. Her mother was a dress designer and almost every other day customers came over to her parents’ house to pick up or order dresses. Those customers’ children became her friends too, and they grew up together with respect and love for each other.
Myrlande was inspired by this strong sense of community and carried it with her throughout her education. After graduating from high school, she attended Centre Ménagères Foyer Montfort Soeur Sagesse Mariani, Carrefour Haiti in 1988, graduating and receiving a certification from Ministere De L’education Nationale, one of the most prestigious professional schools of Art. A few years later in 1992, she moved to New Jersey to live with extended family. Soon after attending SCS Business and Technical Institute, Myrlande earned a certificate in completion data entry in 1993. In the following year, she became an active member and a planner of all the recreation activities in class groups at Mount des Olivier Church of God in Orange, New Jersey, while also volunteering at East Orange General Hospital in patient care services. Helping others was something that Myrlande really enjoys. In her words: “My upbringing exposed me to people of all ages and different backgrounds at such an early age. Being of service to others wasn’t really something that I just decided to do; it’s just something that was always a part of my life. So much of it was natural.”
Myrlande currently works at the VA New Jersey Health Care System-Department of Veterans Affairs-Lyons, & East Orange NJ as a patient care services and has received many rewards for outstanding performance. She also continues to further her education, while also maintaining her dedication to serving her community professionally, and also through her volunteer work.
It is a pleasure for Myrlande to be a secretary at NJCIS non- profit organization. She is a very energetic person, and a great communicator. She shows a compassionate attitude, and a high level of care for others. She is always ready to help others and is driven by touching the life of any human being she comes in contact with. She keeps these famous words by Maya Angelou close to her heart in all that she does:
“People will forget what you did, but will never forget how you made them feel.”